New Year, New Smile

Most of us have been ready for some time to bid farewell to this year and move on to bigger and better things in the new year. With the many stressors of the past year, now is the perfect time to do something special for yourself. Treat yourself to a new smile this year with cosmetic dentistry. If you have been unhappy with your smile, we offer a variety of treatment options guaranteed to have you greeting the new year with a bright smile on your face. If your teeth are stained, discolored, worn, chipped, broken, misaligned, misshapen, or have gaps between them, modern cosmetic dentistry can give you a better smile.

Did You Know Enamel Can’t Be Replaced?

Did you know that once tooth enamel is worn away, it can’t be replaced? That’s why it’s so important to maintain good dental hygiene. Dental enamel protects your teeth from decay, sensitivity, staining and other dental conditions. If your enamel has been affected, however, there are treatments we can use to reinforce your teeth and keep them healthy. Keep reading to find out more.

A Crown For Every Occasion

Dental crowns are a versatile treatment that help restore damaged teeth or improve the appearance of a tooth. The crown procedure can be used as a stand alone treatment or as part of another treatment, as in the case of dentures, implants and root canals. Modern dental technology has greatly improved the outcomes of dental implants. Not only are they durable and long-lasting, but they look just like a natural tooth. The crown is a tooth-shaped structure, comparable to a cap, that is placed over a tooth. The “cap” covers the tooth to improve its appearance and restore its shape and size.

Denture Solutions

Dentures are a common treatment for missing teeth. Now more than ever, they are designed to fit better and more comfortably. Dentures help you regain the function and appearance of your teeth after tooth loss, and maintain the shape of your face. Missing teeth can give your face a sunken in appearance. With dentures, however, you’ll regain your confidence with a beautiful healthy looking smile.