Improve Your Smile with this Simple Treatment Option
Are you self-conscious about your front teeth and have learned how to smile with your mouth closed? Do you dream of having a movie star smile but aren’t sure which cosmetic method to choose to make improvements? If you avoid showing your teeth at all costs, now is the perfect opportunity to make a change that will help you love to smile. If you are unhappy with problems such as a gap between your teeth, uneven teeth, severe discoloration, or chips and cracks in your teeth, we have the perfect treatment plan to give you a smile that will stop traffic. Read on to learn about this popular treatment.
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are a highly effective cosmetic option to improve your front teeth. The process uses a thin, wafer-like, tooth-colored material to cover imperfections by bonding over an existing tooth. Veneers are attached to the front of the tooth, and while they don’t change the position of the teeth, they can act as a camouflage for any dental flaws such as chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth and can hide severe stains that are not removed by whitening procedures.
Benefits of Dental Veneers
A dental veneer can be used to improve one tooth, but many of our patients choose to have multiple teeth fixed in order to have a uniform smile. If cared for properly, dental veneers can last for many years to come. Dental veneers are:
- Durable – Veneers are resistant to staining and will never need whitening treatment. They closely mimic natural teeth.
- Easy To Maintain – The care is the same as for your natural teeth. The only recommendation is to use a soft toothbrush and to be sure that your toothpaste is gentle so as not to cause the veneers to become scratched.
- Minimally Invasive – This surgery-free option is completed in a few simple appointments. From beginning to end, you will enjoy your new smile in a few short weeks.
Our patients in Wellington, FL have been thrilled with the results they have seen with dental veneers. If you are ready to take the plunge and transform your smile with dental veneers, call our office to schedule an appointment to see if they are the right treatment plan for your needs. We look forward to helping you achieve the healthy and bright smile you deserve!