Ways To Help Prevent Tooth Decay In Children
Do you have a young child in your life? If so, you are familiar with the struggle of helping them with their oral health. We want to help set children up for success with their oral health routine, not only to create lasting habits, but also to help avoid the possibility of experiencing tooth decay. Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic conditions found in children. We want to share some tips on how to help your child or young loved one prevent tooth decay:
Create Oral Hygiene Routine
If you have children or young ones in your family, you may know how difficult it can be to get children to brush their teeth properly. It is not unusual for children to brush only the front teeth or suck the toothpaste off the brush. As adults, it is important to teach children the proper way to brush their teeth and create a routine with them. If young children are not brushing properly, we would recommend that the adults in the home help.
Limit Sticky Sweets and Juice
You would be surprised at the amount of sugar in fruit juice. It can cause serious problems with tooth decay in children, especially when they are constantly drinking from a sippy cup or bottle. Along the same lines, it seems there is never an end to the options for sticky, chewy sweets. One of the worst foods that you can let your child eat regularly is fruit snacks or gummies. Sticky foods can remain trapped in the grooves on the teeth, increasing the chance of developing decay.
Regular Dental Care
Just as with adults, children should visit the office twice per year. We recommend that children and teens visit every six months. During these routine visits, we are able to inspect for signs of decay and monitor to be sure the adult teeth are growing properly.
If you, your child, or another family member is due for a hygiene examination be sure to contact our office located in Wellington, FL to schedule an appointment. During the examination, we can inspect to ensure tooth decay is not present or developing. We look forward to seeing you soon!