A Crown For Every Occasion

Dental crowns are a versatile treatment that help restore damaged teeth or improve the appearance of a tooth. The crown procedure can be used as a stand alone treatment or as part of another treatment, as in the case of dentures, implants and root canals. Modern dental technology has greatly improved the outcomes of dental implants. Not only are they durable and long-lasting, but they look just like a natural tooth. The crown is a tooth-shaped structure, comparable to a cap, that is placed over a tooth. The “cap” covers the tooth to improve its appearance and restore its shape and size.

Anything You Are Looking Forward To?

We hope you are enjoying this holiday season celebrating with friends and family, but is there anything you are looking forward to in the New Year? Most people set goals to lose weight or start a new exercise program. If you would like to look and feel good in 2020, we can help you achieve this goal. Would you like to know how? Click here to find out.